InitForOpened=function(l_6_0) for ???, ??? in pairs(s_merchandise) do if ???.s_item and b.b_visible then CreateActionAll(l_6_0, ???.s_item, ???.t_offset, ???.n_range, "E_pickUpCrash", "0050010002") RegisterAll(l_6_0, ???.s_item) DisableAllActions(l_6_0, ???.s_item) end end l_6_0.cfg.carMenuScript:InitForOpened() end InitForClosed=function(l_7_0) for ???, ??? in pairs(s_merchandise) do if ???.s_item and ???.b_visible then CreateActionAll(l_7_0, ???.s_item, ???.t_offset, ???.n_range, "E_pickUpCrash", "0050010002") RegisterAll(l_7_0, ???.s_item) EnableAllActions(l_7_0, ???.s_item) end end end InitForGunPlay=function(l_8_0) for ???, ??? in pairs(s_merchandise) do if ???.s_item and ???.b_visible then CreateActionAll(l_8_0, ???.s_item, ???.t_offset, ???.n_range("E_pickUpCrash"), "0050010002") RegisterAll(l_8_0, ???.s_item) DisableAllActions(l_8_0, ???.s_item) end end end InitForDeadVendor=function(l_9_0) for ???, ??? in pairs(s_merchandise) do if ???.s_item and ???.b_visible then DeactivateAll(l_9_0, ???.s_item) end end end Destroy=function(l_10_0) for ???, ??? in pairs(s_merchandise) do if ???.s_item and ???.b_visible then UnregisterAll(l_10_0, ???.s_item) end end end SetToEnabled=function(l_11_0) for ???, ??? in pairs(s_merchandise) do if ???.s_item and ???.b_visible then EnableAllActions(l_11_0, ???.s_item) end end l_11_0.cfg.carMenuScript:InitForGunPlay() end PickUpCrash=function(l_12_0, l_12_1) for ???, ??? in pairs(s_merchandise) do if ???.s_item and ???.b_visible and FindIndex(l_12_0, ???.s_item, l_12_1) then l_12_0.ctrl.player:InventoryAddItem(38) l_12_0.ctrl.player:InventorySelect(48, false) game.entitywrapper:GetEntityByName( ???.s_item[#???.s_item]):Deactivate() DeactivateAll(l_12_0, ???.s_sound ) ActivateAll(l_12_0, ???.s_sound ) table.remove(???.s_item, #???.s_item) l_12_0.ctrl:OnSteal(???.s_name) break end end end
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zahar999 I found why my game crash with Subway activation. it is because I did not remove the other info in Actors_0 (C_Item, C_CrashObject ......) Now it's Gooooood I have already added solid floor and wall and I make test to take the bends, climbs and descents on all the way available. how you activate different sound? I send a message to agens, to see if he can remove the 3 humans inside Subway.sds Edit: Subway with doors open Edit2: with 3 subway is better
zahar999 I just change the coordinates of the doors osaru If my memory is good, it's not just a commands but a script, It is in FR JA v3.0 (2013) but it is mixed in the total script and I can not stand it out like that, too long to find sorry.
- Metro I have often seen this combination. but I had never seen and understood its effect. we will try to make a Big Tramway - it is interesting(only he does not have the voice to fight) and in Car Edit: for Vito dialogue, he should take all dialogues in the game, converting them to WAV with m2ae.exe and recreate new dialogue with an audio editing software. but it is a huge work - minus one character in traffic is not a problem Yes, for sure, but there is a model of Vito with the face. I transformed all human traffic with a file Actors_0 for used like hchar
zahar999 Good, 2K Games has really remove a lot of things in the end. Edit: it's "city_univers.sds" of JA, which creates the black floor. - activation Subway in West Side with "city_univers.sds" of JA. - same place without activation Subway - & with "city_univers.sds" of M2 damage we can not modify "city_univers.sds"
Zahar999, I finally found a solution for traffic, now we can create many entities as we want, Human, Car, Bus, Tram without any influence on traffic. Before After You must modify the file "sdsconfig.bin" with Y.u.s.i.k's Tools And add category "Player-XX" inside "DLC_Friends_for_Life.bin" Max of XX is defined in "sdsconfig.bin" compatible with _2_m2ext_v5_0_poslednyaya_versiya-152924/ XX=1000 cnt friends for life Full Traffic 2ff7e9595c