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Pile Group Analysis Software: What You Need to Know Before Choosing a Program


The integration between Slide3 and RSPile allows you to use piles created in RSPile and then add them into Slide3 as a Support Type. You can also perform pre-analysis of piles straight from the Slide3 interface.

Pile Group Analysis Software

GROUP has been well accepted as an useful design tool for analyzing the behavior of piles in a group subjected to both axial and lateral loadings. The program was developed to compute the distribution of loads (vertical, lateral, and overturning moment in up to three orthogonal axes) applied from any multiple locations in the pile cap to piles arranged in a group.

The program generates internally the nonlinear response of the soil, in the form of t-z and q-w curves for axial loading, in the form of p-y curves for lateral loading and in the form of t-r curves for torsional loading. A solution requires iteration to accommodate the nonlinear response of each pile in the group model. Program GROUP solves the nonlinear response of each pile under combined loadings and assures compatibility of deformations and equilibrium of forces between the applied external loads and the reactions of each pile head.

The p-y, t-z, q-w and t-r curves may be generated internally, employing recommendations in technical literature, or may be entered manually by the user. The pile-head forces and movements are introduced into equations that yield the behavior of the pile group in a global coordinate system. The program can internally compute the deflection, bending moment, shear, and soil resistance as a function of depth for each pile.

AllPile is a Windows-based analysis program that handles virtually all types of piles, including steel pipes, H-piles, pre-cast concrete piles, auger-cast piles, drilled shafts, timber piles, jetted piles, tapered piles, piers with bell, micropiles (minipiles), uplift anchors, uplift plate, and shallow foundations.

"PILEGRP" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of pile groups with rigid caps using the "elastic method". Specifically, the properties of the pile group are calculated, and then based upon the applied vertical and horizontal loadings, the vertical and horizontal pile reactions are calculated. There is also a worksheet to check beam and punching shear in the pile cap for a single corner pile, for the purpose of estimating the required pile cap thickness and subsequent pile cap weight.

2. This program uses the "elastic method" of analysis, assuming that the pile cap is in fact "rigid", so that the applied loads are linearly distributed among the piles. A common "rule-of-thumb" is to assume a pile cap thickness equal to least 1/10 of the longest dimension (length or width) of the pile cap. All piles are assumed to be vertical, and of equal size and length (stiffness). Battered piles are NOT permitted. The tops of all piles are assumed at the same level.

Slide is the most comprehensive slope stability analysis software available, complete with finite element groundwater seepage analysis, rapid drawdown, sensitivity and probabilistic analysis and support design.

AllPile is a Windows-based analysis program that handles virtually all types of piles, including steel pipes, H-piles, pre-cast concrete piles, auger-cast piles, drilled shafts, timber piles, jetted piles, tapered piles, piers with bell, micropiles (minipiles), screw/helical piles, uplift anchors, uplift plate, and shallow foundations.

One of the major advantages AllPile has over other pile software is that it combines most pile analysis in a single program. It calculates compression (with settlement), uplift, lateral capacity, and group analysis all together. Users only need to input the data once instead of several times in different programs. AllPile makes pile analysis easy, economical, and time-efficient.

AllPile is suitable for all engineers, even those without too much pile analysis experience. It helps structural engineers choose soil parameters, and geotechnical engineers choose pile properties. AllPile is a must-have tool for structural, geotechnical, and construction engineers.

At a price of $950, users only pay for the cost of vertical analysis, lateral analysis is free. Users only need to buy one program and input the data once instead of buying different programs and inputting data several times. AllPile makes pile analysis both economical and time-efficient.

Abstract:An existing riverine platform in Egypt, together with its pile group foundation, is analyzed under environmental loads using 3D FEM structural analysis software incorporating soil-pile interaction. The interaction between the transfer plate and the piles supporting the platform is investigated. Two connection conditions were studied assuming fixed or hinged connection between the piles and the reinforced concrete platform for the purpose of comparison of the structural behavior. The analysis showed that the fixed or hinged connection condition between the piles and the platform altered the values and distribution of displacements, normal force, bending moments, and shear forces along the length of each pile. The distribution of piles in the pile group affects the stress distribution on both the soil and platform. The piles were found to suffer from displacement failure rather than force failure. Moreover, the resulting bending stresses on the reinforced concrete plate in the case of a fixed connection between the piles and the platform were almost doubled and much higher than the allowable reinforced concrete stress and even exceeded the ultimate design strength and thus the environmental loads acting on a pile-supported riverine offshore platform may cause collapse if they are not properly considered in the structural analysis and design.Keywords: riverine platform; offshore structure; pile group foundation; soil-pile interaction; environmental loads; materially nonlinear static analysis; FEM

Piles are often used in groups to carry greater loads todeeper, stronger soil strata. For the same average load perpile, groups settle more than single piles due to overlapping ofdeformations in the soil medium.

When the piles are connected by a rigid cap, all the loadsimposed on the cap may be combined in to a resultant verticalload. The resultant load may be centric or may be eccentric withrespect to the centroid of the group. If the loading is centric,the cap redistributes the load among piles so as to result inuniform group settlement. Due to the redistribution, the edgepiles will carry greater load than the central piles.

In the case of eccentric loading two requirements need tobe met. Firstly the loads carried by piles need to satisfyvertical and moment equilibrium requirements of the group.Secondly the distribution of loads should result in a planarsettlement profile of the cap comprising a vertical settlement ofthe centroid of the group sg along with two rotations θx andθy rotations about x and y axis respectively.

The Piles of circular, square, rectangular, circular-hollowand I or H cross sections can be analyzed. Piles of differenttypes of cross-sections are approximated to a circular pile of anequivalent diameter for analysis.

The software can take into account layered soil profileswhich may consist of soft clay, stiff clay, sand, soft rock, hardrock layers. Soil scour around the piles and pile lengthsprojecting above the ground can be specified. These provisionsare especially useful in analysing piles used in foundations ofbridges and waterfront structures. Depth of ground water table inthe subsoil can also be considered for land based piles.

Under the design load, the pile behaviour will be nearlyelastic except for some shaft length near the top of the pile,where the ultimate interface friction may be reached and the pilemay slide through soil. The parameters that are required for thegroup settlement estimate under the design load are the pile headdisplacement, load carried by the pile tip, pile tip displacementand the radius rm which may be approximated as equal to pilelength. The software makes use of Randolph and Wroth (1978)approach along with Mylonakis and Gazetas (1998) procedure forincluding the diffraction effect.

The axial pile analysis follows a non-linear finite elementmodel using the axial rigidity of the pile and the nonlinear soilsupport based on the t-z curves and q-z curve. . The analysis usesan Iterative approach to achieve convergence.

The Static Analysis of Piles(PILEGP)will analyze a three-dimensional pile group subjected to static loadings. The direct stiffness approach, in conjunction with conventional matrix methods, is used to perform the analysis. The pile cap is assumed to be rigid with the remainder of the system demonstrating elastic behavior.

This program is intended to accommodate the majority of problems encountered in the design of pile groups. The general direct stiffness method for three-dimensional pile foundations is utilized. This allows for a variety of features and configurations which are described in this section. Also described are the limitations and difficulties which are inherent in the general topic of pile group design and pile-soil interaction.

Soil Settlement Analysis is complex and left for the experienced geotechnical engineer. The vertical stresses induced by the structural loading are combined with compressibility characteristics of the supporting soils and Bedrock to compute induced soil consolidation and subsequent settlement of structures. Therefore, this Settlement Software is the only geotechnical analysis software that seamlessly integrates geotechnical parameters and footing or embankment loadings/shape with dynamic diagrams as one complete treatment of settlement analysis. This program uses Boussinesq stress analysis. 2ff7e9595c

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